
Gary Schwartz's Facebook profile


as promised.... proof positive we're knee deep in babyjesus

how about some ho- ho- holiday pics of the seasonal clutter around the house to start the day?

we'll start with a little cuteness:
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don't get these two confused- city first, country second...

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i really don't get this one at all:
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what am i supposed to ask you almighty seashell angel? why are your eyes like that? are you hungover? seek? say what? and knock?? knock what? knock you?

jesus, jesus and more jesus....
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hidden on top of the cookbooks

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these ones have four leaf clovers on them... i didn't know jesus was from dublin....

these guys we shoved under the rack 'o' china:
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and no holiday home is complete without a tiny shrunken wooden one as well-
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a little off the topic, but i stepped out the back door to take out the trash last night and walked right into mothfest2005. it was gross- anyone know any good moth recipes? this warm weather must have them all confused...
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Anonymous said...

that seahorse is very creeeeepy, but otherwise-looks mahvelous dahlinks!

g said...

i think we should sell the seahorse as scrap metal... surely they can melt it down and make a car out of it... ;)

Anonymous said...

it's glorious! i LOVE the sea shell ask seek knock one. it's like a kooky japanesse high schoolers t-shirt. only an angel... on your christmas tree... purchased by what i'm guessing was an irish catholic american.

what's up with HP and moths? even if you run from your car, 5 feet away from the house you still enter the house with at least 8 moths on you and 100 outside too slow/dumb to catch you.

once, i parked on a pile of leaves near my parents house in HP. i got out and had no choice but to step in the leaves. so many moths flew out of the pile it was impossible to tell if it was a pile of leaves with some moths or a pile of moths with some leaves. grody to the max.

g said...

there's something creepy about moths en masse- all those dusty little wings and beady little moth eyes. i've been sleeping with the covers over my head since HP was infested-