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a public service announcement and a little fuzzy eyecandy

i recently went to target and bought a giant plastic tub for all of my school stuff from previous semesters. i was getting tired of the piles everywhere- on the table, in the spare room, on the bedroom floor... nothing like tripping over a little linguistic anthropology or stubbing a toe on immigration law when reaching for the snooze button at o'dark hundred when the alarm does its thing.

so yeah- a plastic tub. endless amusement when i took the lid off and discovered this no-baby-storage-warning:

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only in america do you need to put a label on a plastic storage bin to remind the wickid smaht average consumer that despite its tempting convenience, tupperware with a tightly sealing lid is probably not your first choice when tucking junior into bed. it's paper *not plastic* people!

on a completely unrelated note... i'd like to say thanks to the hot construction worker across the street who decided to ditch the t-shirt and help keep my workdayclock movin' most of the afternoon today. too bad the windows to my office are filthy and my cell phone's camera can only do so much... you'll just have to take my word on it- mighty fine indeed.

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ok- the sox are up 4 to 1 in the 4th inning and the brownie sundaes are almost ready...

have a good weekend-


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