
Gary Schwartz's Facebook profile


venti-sized exhaustion...


i've had a deathgrip on my venti soy latte all morning and now it's empty. i better prop myself up and get the drool cup out before it's too late... it's gonna be a long rest of the day.

i seem to have caught the dreaded office sars that has been making the rounds the past two weeks. so that equates to several nights of restless 'sleeping' and about 4 boxes of kleenex.

it doesn't really matter that i'm this exhasuted today. why? just about everyone i work with went out last night because someone is escaping, i mean leaving- so they all came hobbling/crawling in this morning in various states of too much to drink last night. in fact- a few of them appear to have slept here. (the telltale signs of beerfunk and strangely similar outfits abound... and i also saw one of my co-workers applying deodorant at their desk. in my best smalltownaustralia voiceover 'you've got no dignity, muriel.')

so on that note...

hope everyone has a good friday.



Anonymous said...

i effing love that movie-you're terrible muriel

g said...

what a coincidence... it's deidre chambers...