j.mo and i returned home yesterday from our little southern adventure to see this crew. it was awesome to spend time with lys and her girls... south carolina is so much better than texas.
and all i can say about syd and morgan is that they are the two most beautiful little munchkins you could ever imagine.
thank you ladies for such a wonderful long weekend. i think j.mo and i both returned home completely sold on the whole 'we're going to be parents one day' thing. signed, sealed, delivered- it's a done deal. well, it will be once we figure out how to get j.mo pregnant.
so other than gushing over the lil'uns... the rest of the weekend was good fun- the weather was gorgeous and around 80 and sunny the whole time. we hit up the zoo, gymboree class, the playground and several of columbia's grocery stores (fixin's for our all out foodorgy). the zoo was lovely, as was the playground. but gymboree will haunt me forever. most of the mothers seemed normal enough (in that southern kinda way). but there was this one freakshow straightfromthetrailer deal with her two kids. shuddah-shuddah. beyond her nasty hair and big dirty toenails.... beyond the god awful southern twang mixed with her attempt to speak to her baby in french (why?)... beyond all that- she was sitting on the gymboree mat in some sort of jumper creation that exposed her hillbillychocha to any/everyone else on the mat. three words:
that was the bulk of the trauma for the weekend, our close encounter of the cooterkind. we had some issues getting home yesterday. we checked in at o'dark hundred in columbia- first the self check in machines wouldn't work and then the woman who helped us only gave us boarding passes as far as Atlanta, instead of all the way to Boston. when i asked her why she got all flustered and said we'd have to check at the gate. sensing we were going nowhere fast (and i had also skipped coffee, holding out for stahbies) we went and got in line for security. while j.mo went to the bathroom i explained at the gate that for some reason the deltachimp who checked us in couldn't give us boarding passes for Atlanta-Boston. Took about 5 seconds to find out our flight was canceled and not only did she not know how to help us but she didn't even tell us that was what was happening.
whatever- we get on our flight, at least knowing now that when we get to Atlanta we have been reconfirmed via Washington and need to have our tickets fixed up. fine. whatever- so we are gonna arrive late and have to make an extra stop.
20 mins into the 40 minute flight from columbia to atlanta everyone starts looking around at each other as we notice the distinct odor of burning aircraft. and we're not talking about a barely noted quick waft- this was a full-on 'i wonder how many minutes of my life are left before this heap of datedmetal and badcarpet ceases to be delta flight 822 and becomes a redhot fireball screaming toward atlanta.' i'm not a nervous flying guy... that made me nervous.
whatever- we lived to tell. and we managed to get out of atlanta on a non-stop flight to boston in the end, so it all worked out ok. well, ok until we got home and found john's mum as sick as she always is after we return from a nice relaxing trip away somewhere. funtimes while they lasted ;)
we've got tons more pics- just have to get them off of the camera, so stay tuned.
those little girls are adorable!! what i want to know is why you punched the babydoll in the head....ps-cleatus you are getting hotter with age, like a fiiine wine.
they are beyond cute- it made me a little sad to have to leave... they both thought it was hilarious when i squished baby's head and it slowly reformed back to babyshape. so that was a staple activity of the weekend. can't wait until they try it out on the lil'uns at gymboree class...
like a fine wine, huh? thanks :) if only the hairline-in-retreat could be slowed down...
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