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innocent little snack cakes

froggie got me started on this whole hobnob topic (check the comments on the msn article on inflata-bling that set me off this morning)... the name was ringing a bell, but that was as far as we were getting. i thought maybe this 1960's pint-sized queen of individually wrapped aerated pig fat goodness would show me the way:

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but alas, no hobnobs rolling out of this darling's hot little ovens. although i did stumble upon some spectacular commentary on her website:

'The Little Debbie® brand has become number one for two reasons: quality and value. McKee Foods uses secret recipes and the highest-quality ingredients, thereby improving the taste of the snack cakes. The snack cakes are also sold at a reasonable price. In fact, Little Debbie® products on average sell for half that of other leading brands. That's due to manufacturing efficiencies the company has developed over decades of baking experience.'

i don't know about you- but i certainly was thinking quality and value last time i got sick on donut sticks and zebra cakes. must have been those uber refined manufacturing efficiencies and pentagon secured secret recipes that were a little heavy on my delicate palate.

it turns out hobnobs are a british thing- and since i've never set foot on ye olde isle of pale and pasty i had no clue. although i think they may be circulating in certain circles in australia, explaining the vague recollection. i did, however, find this picture to help all of us hobnob-virgins figure out exactly what we're working with...

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google image search is my hero

perhaps the butter queen can shed some light on this topic...? is this the real reason why you moved to london?


Anonymous said...

i love those stripey little christmas trees. yum. and did you notice that there is also a little debbie's gift shop? they have a wickedly cool "Snack Cake Kitchen" which is actually Play-Doh...and the tag line is "Fun to play with, but not to eat!" damnit. like who has not eaten play-doh? those hobnobs look awfully good to eat though... interesting shape. mag, do you know if they sell the penis shaped ones alongside other cracker/cookie type things at the regular grocery store? that would be awesome.i would love that. like the time i almost crapped my pants because of the mini liquor store wedged between the kitchen goods and potato chip aisles at uber stop n shop a la massachusets...

g said...

yeah- a penis shaped hobnob might be a bit much for the queen mum- scandal!