
Gary Schwartz's Facebook profile


the floodgates have (re)opened...

she's back...

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under the guise of having exhausted my coffee supply at home, i've now consumed 3 capitalist pig latte's from stahbies this week. i was doing so good- i'd given up overpriced antidepressantcaviarcoffeebeans quite some time ago... alarmingly, it was becomming an unaffordable part of the daily routine last year. how could i resist? who doesn't like tasty caffeinated beverages made with soy that leave you feeling strangely happy (the post stahbies daze) whilst pretending to be busy at a job you care about?? but c'mon- $4.10 for a soy latte? that's $82 a month for coffee! so instead i've been trying to make coffee at home every morning and bring it with me for the trek to work- secretly i just want to be like all the other sexytravelmugcommuters.

so yeah. three trips to lattes'r'us this week- it's getting ugly. it's a slippery slope and i'm sure i'll be there tomorrow am, standing in the line that stretches out the door and into the street with all the other brand bitches and label schmucks jonesin' for some designer stimulation- 'i'd like a non fat triple tall decaf latte extra hot double cupped with shade harvested nutmeg...'

how has it come to this???

i wonder how much money i would have in 30 years if i took $4.10 everytime i was craving starbucks and put it into my nonexistent 401k account?


g said...


Anonymous said...

you wouldhave at LEAST $31,980.00 if you purchasd an average of 1 per work day (5days) and this is before any company contributions and interest accrued on 401k... that's a buncha of money if you look at it that way, me, i prefer the immediate satisfaction of a yummy frothy caffinated beverage...